Disability Commissioner cuts the ribbon to inaugurate the newly constructed ramp at the State Assembly Secretariat building. Elevator and Ramp were inaugurated today, 16th Dec 2022, at the Nagaland Legislative Assembly Secretariat by Dy Speaker T. Yangseo Sangtam and Disability Commissioner Diethono Nakhro #Accessibility #Inclusion #EqualOpportunity
mou signed for strengthening special pwd shgs in Nagaland
MoU signed for strengthening special pwd shgs in Nagaland
Disability accentuates poverty and isolation
Disability accentuates poverty and isolation
Strengthening disability inclusion in disaster management
Strengthening disability inclusion in disaster management
Strengthening disability inclusion in disaster management in nagaland
Strengthening disability inclusion in disaster management in nagaland
Nagaland towards implementing a strong inclusive education-program
Nagaland towards implementing a strong inclusive education program